Also called weeping of plants/ जलोत्सरजन/ बिंदुस्वेदन
If you are observant about the plants in your kitchen garden or farm, you must have seen tiny droplets on the tips or edges of leaves, early morning. This is called guttation.
This occurs at night, when there's no transpiration taking place, when the soil is moist and when the roots absorb more water than the plant actually needs. This is seen in vascular plants, such as grasses and a number of fungi.
What does guttation drops contain?
Mostly water with other compounds like potassium, sodium, sugars, proteins etc.
Does guttation mean over watering?
It could be a sign of over watering, but more importantly it's a sign of a perfectly healthy plant.
Guttation can be harmful if you are over fertilizing. In this case, minerals from fertilizers can built up overtime on the leaf tips and burn them. If you see small white deposits on the leaf tips, you should cut down on fertilizers.
A study says, guttation drops from young plants of which seeds coated with insecticide, (neonicotinoid), contain high amount of the chemical. It was found that when bees consumed these drops, they died within a few minutes.
So that means, guttation drops come from within the plant (xylem sap). Not to be confused with dew drops which are just external humidity settled on the leaves.